Orchestra News and Plans for the Upcoming Season

Category: News
Jun 12, 2021

After a difficult year of not being together, we are planning a return to live music and once again bringing free concerts to our community!  With pandemic restrictions starting to ease, we feel confident enough to start planning for a full concert season starting in the fall of 2021.

In the meantime, the Orchestra’s string section has been hard at work practicing (outdoors, socially distanced) for a new video recording.  Look for the release of our String Ensemble Virtual Concert on July 9 on our YouTube channel. 

Be sure to check out a stunning recital recording made especially for us by our 2019 Young Artist Competition Winner, Audrey Park.  You can view it on the website homepage, or on our YouTube channel.  While you are there, you can browse all of the Orchestra’s recordings.  Our Past + Present Video Series features recently recorded chamber music performances by Orchestra members, and recordings of orchestral works from past seasons.

You will probably have noticed that the Orchestra’s website has a brand-new look.  We took the opportunity to do this while we were not able to offer live concerts during the past year.  We hope you like the new look!  And if you haven’t already subscribed, please sign up on the website for our online Newsletter to stay up to date with plans for upcoming events.

We look forward to seeing everyone again in person soon!


Young Artist Competition – attend the auditions on January 25

Young Artist Competition – attend the auditions on January 25

** The Competition is is closed to new applications ** We are excited to invite the pubic to attend the competition auditions on January 25 – details on the Events Page. We are excited to offer these opportunities for talented young musicians to demonstrate their skill and artistry through the audition process, and for each winner, a cash prize and a performance as soloist with the Pasadena Community Orchestra.

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