2020 – 2021 Concert Season

Category: News
Sep 4, 2020

September 1, 2020

To Our Dear and Loyal Audience and Donors:

On behalf of our Music Director and Board of Directors, we hope this concert season – with its expectations and desire of live performances in 2021 – finds you and those you love healthy and safe. Like every arts and music organization across the country, we have been forced to forgo live performances for the past five months and, we suspect, for months to come. This is the first time in 45 years as a free concert-giving orchestra that we have had to cancel any concerts. We want you to know that we are dedicated to being ready to perform for you as soon as all restrictions are lifted and within all health guidelines. Therefore, to be prepared, we ask that you continue to support us. We know that times have gotten harder for everyone, but a donation in any amount will be treasured and greatly appreciated.

In the meantime, small groups within the orchestra are forming to provide you with the next best thing to live music – video performances, filmed by a member of the orchestra, videographer and cellist, Greg Grano. Other members of the orchestra are engaging in educational outreach to our local schools. Our goal is to encourage everyone to continue to appreciate music as an audience member or performer. PLEASE REGULARLY VIEW OUR WEBSITE OR SOCIAL MEDIA SO THAT YOU MAY ALERT YOURSELF TO THESE ACTIVITIES. Also, if you are not on our email list, please provide us with your email address by subscribing below. We’d love your email in our effort to go paperless, regardless of whether you are able to send a donation. In this way, we can alert you to PCO’s activities, future live performances, and educational opportunities.

To a future free of health concerns and full of live, classical musical performances,



Young Artist Competition – attend the auditions on January 25

Young Artist Competition – attend the auditions on January 25

** The Competition is is closed to new applications ** We are excited to invite the pubic to attend the competition auditions on January 25 – details on the Events Page. We are excited to offer these opportunities for talented young musicians to demonstrate their skill and artistry through the audition process, and for each winner, a cash prize and a performance as soloist with the Pasadena Community Orchestra.

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